Saturday, August 22, 2020

Okonkwo Character Analysis

To support you, my dear faction, become familiar with the significance of not leaving your own imperfections alone the purpose behind your destruction, I should enlighten you regarding our previous clansman, Okonkwo. I looked as his shortcomings and pride brought him down to the point of self destruction, which is the break of defeatists. He slaughtered himself since he had an inclination that he didn't have anything left to live for. Rather than confronting another, changed life in Umuofia, he got away by taking his own. Prior to his descending winding, Okonkwo was known as a self-decided and persevering man who endeavored to win numerous titles among our clan.Listen as I clarify Okonkwo’s character. Okonkwo’s father was Unoka, who was cherished by all among the faction. â€Å"He was tall however flimsy and had a slight stoop. He wore a worn down and sorrowful look aside from when he was drinking or playing on his flute† (4). Unoka was apathetic and had numerous obligations that he didn’t pay off yet he was cherished. Okonkwo grew up watching his father guts through life by living off others. â€Å"But Unoka was such a man, that he generally prevailing with regards to obtaining more, and accumulating debts† (5).Okonkwo watched his dad be felt sorry for in light of the fact that he couldn’t feed his spouses or youngsters. At his demise, Unoka had no titles and he was still incredibly in the red. â€Å"Any wonder then that his child Okonkwo was embarrassed about him? † (7) Due to his father’s model, Okonkwo realized he needed to accomplish incredible things and he was resolved he would turn into something contrary to his dad. This part of Okonkwo’s character drives him to progress. Okonkwo succeeded really in our tribe. One specific purpose of acknowledgment happened when he battled Amanlize the Cat.Amanlize the Cat had not been vanquished in seven years, thus when Okonkwo crushed him at the youthful age of eighteen he turned out to be notable all through our nine towns. Okonkwo kept on developing into an incredible man. â€Å"He was tall and enormous, and his shaggy eyebrows and wide nose gave him an exceptionally serious look†¦. At the point when he strolled his heels scarcely contacted the ground and he appeared to stroll on springs† (3). With his difficult work he earned three spouses, discovered budgetary security, ran an effective sweet potato ranch, created various kids, manufactured a few cottages, and got some titles.Unfortunately, as some of the time occurs with incredible men, Okonkwo had defects. He had a temper, no poise, he was over compatriot, and he beat his poor spouses. His most genuine blemish was his pride. Similarly as he’d trusted, Okonkwo turned into something contrary to his father who had been a lethargic account holder. His father had additionally been a harmony adoring and kind man who was cherished by all in our towns and Okonkwo c ouldn't state the equivalent. An example where Okonkwo let his pride cloud his judgment is the point at which he took an interest in the murdering of Ikemefuna, a kid he was bringing up as his own child. Okonkwo thought of Ikemefuna as the ideal son.Okonkwo preferred that his natural child Nwoye and Ikemefuna were getting along on the grounds that he feared Nwoye’s absence of masculinity. Okonkwo felt that Nwoye sticking around Ikemefuna would make him to a greater extent a man. Inconvenience emerged when the Oracle in his town concluded that Ikemefuna needed to bite the dust since he was meddling with Okonkwo and his most established child, Nwoye’s, relationship. Okonkwo was cautioned in cutting edge not to take an interest in the executing of Ikemefuna, yet he did at any rate since he feared what different men in the clan would consider him on the off chance that he didn’t participate.Okonkwo was too stressed that he would be seen as frail. His pride drove him to help execute a kid he adored as a child and this extraordinarily hurt his relationship with Nwoye. Okonkwo was likewise too stressed over Nwoye turning out to be â€Å"womanly† like his dad, Unoka, and he didn’t acknowledge how he was harming his family with his vicious and obstinate nature. Later on there was an occurrence when Okonkwo’s indiscretion drives him to accidently execute a lady from our village.The custom in our town is to banish a man for a long time for such a wrongdoing and hence Okonkwo went to his mother’s town, Mbanta. As the seniors stated, in the event that one finger brought oil it ruined the others† (106). In the wake of seven monotonous long stretches of outcast in his mother’s town, Okonkwo came back to his town anxious to begin his life by building more cabins and demonstrating his riches. When Okonkwo returned to Umuofia he anticipated that his riches should put him in indistinguishable conditions from before hi s outcast. â€Å"The family had experienced such significant change during his outcast that it was grain recognizable† (150). The teachers had come into the congregation and pulled in a large number of our kin to it.This changed our family momentous with all the new individuals. â€Å"He realized that he had lost his place among the nine conceal spirits who directed equity in the clan† (140). Notwithstanding the new religion that is right up 'til the present time so extraordinary and odd to us, they fabricated an administration. In his pride, Okonkwo calculated that he could do battle with the new white individuals, yet this ended up being harder than he anticipated. When he did battle he continued being vanquished and in the long run Okonkwo’s outrage bamboozled him and he really murdered another man. It was useless.Okonkwo’s blade plunged twice and the man’s head lay next to his formally dressed body† (168). Okonkwo felt useless, similar to his life amounted to nothing any more. Rather than confronting the new changes in his faction, he went the fearful way out through self destruction. This man of our family who had endeavored to get extraordinary so as to defeat the disgrace from his adolescence and who had fabricated riches in our town permitted his pride to be his ruin. What Okonkwo did to take his own life was unbelievably childish and he took the coward’s way out.He murdered others in his brutal temper, he executed a kid who resembled a child to him, and at long last, he slaughtered himself. The main last honorable thing Okonkwo did was attempt and rise up to battle and spare our faction from being taken over by the white individuals. Okonkwo was a contender and a warrior, yet at long last all that he worked for was good for nothing. Regard my admonitions. Gain from your past to improve your future, however don’t permit your past to cloud your judgment and make you too prideful about your own negat ive characteristics.

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